Definitions for Codes Used on this Site
Instructional Program Codes
Major Code | Long Name | Level* | CIP** |
A&H | Arts and Humanities | B | 24.0103 |
ACCT | Accounting | B, M | 52.0301 |
ACN | Applied Cognition and Neuroscience | M | 26.1501 |
ACTS | Actuarial Science | B | 52.1304 |
AHST | Art History | M | 50.0703 |
AIM | Accounting and Information Management | B, M | 52.0301 |
AMS | American Studies | B | 05.0102 |
AP | Art and Performance | B | 50.0101 |
APHY | Applied Physics | M | 40.0801 |
ARAB | Arabic | area of study | |
ARHM | Arts and Humanities | B | 24.0103 |
ARTS | Arts | area of study | |
ASOC | Applied Sociology | M | 45.1102 |
ATCM | Arts, Technology, Communication and Media | ||
ATEC | Arts, Technology and Emerging Communication | B, M, D | 50.0102 |
AUD | Audiology | P | 51.0202 |
BA | Business Administration | B | 52.0201 |
BBSU | Behavioral and Brain Sciences Undergraduate | ||
BCBM | Bioinformatics and Computational Biology | M | 26.1103 |
BCHM | Biochemistry | B | 26.0202 |
BCM | Biology - Cell and Molecular | M, D | 26.0406 |
BCOM | Business Communication | ||
BIO | Biology | B | 26.0101 |
BIOL | Biology | B | 26.0101 |
BIOT | Biotechnology | M | 26.1201 |
BIS | Interdisciplinary Studies - Bachelor | B | 30.9999 |
BLAW | Business Law | ||
BMEN | Biomedical Engineering | B, M, D | 14.0501 |
BPS | Business Policy and Strategy | B, M | 30.7102 |
BUAN | Business Analytics | area of study | |
CE | Computer Engineering | B, M, D | 14.0901 |
CGNS | Cognition and Neuroscience | D | 26.1501 |
CGS | Cognitive Science | B | 30.2501 |
CHEM | Chemistry | B, M, D | 40.0501 |
CHIN | Chinese | area of study | |
CJS | Crime and Justice Studies | B | 45.0401 |
CLDP | Child Learning and Development | B | 42.2703 |
CMSD | Communication Sciences and Disorders | D | 51.0201 |
COMD | Communication Disorders | M | 51.0201 |
COMM | Communications | area of study | |
CRIM | Criminology | B, M, D | 45.0401 |
CRWT | Creative Writing | area of study | |
CS | Computer Science | B, M, D | 11.0101 |
CSTP | Cyber Security, Technology, and Policy | M | 11.1003 |
DANC | Dance | minor | |
DMTH | Developmental Mathematics | 32.0104 | |
DRAM | Drama | area of study | |
DRC | Industrial Chemistry | M, D | 40.0501 |
DRDG | Developmental Reading | 32.0104 | |
DSC | Data Science | B | 30.7001 |
DWTG | Developmental Writing | 32.0104 | |
ECO | Economics | B | 45.0601 |
ECON | Economics | M, D | 45.0603 |
ECS | Engineering and Computer Science | ||
ECSC | Engineering and Computer Science Co-op | ||
ED | Education | B | 13.0101 |
EE | Electrical Engineering | B, M, D | 14.1001 |
EEBM | Electrical Engineering: Biomedical Applications of Electrical Engineering | B, M, D | 14.1001 |
EECS | Electrical Engineering: Control Systems | B, M, D | 14.1001 |
EECT | Electrical Engineering: Circuits and Systems | B, M, D | 14.1001 |
EEDG | Electrical Engineering: Digital Systems | B, M, D | 14.1001 |
EEGR | Electrical Engineering - Graduate | B, M, D | 14.1001 |
EEM | Electrical Engineering - Microelectronics | B, M, D | 14.1001 |
EEMF | Electrical Engineering: Solid State Devices & Micro Sys Fabric | B, M, D | 14.1001 |
EEOP | Electrical Engineering: Optical Devices, Materials & Systems | B, M, D | 14.1001 |
EEPE | Electrical Engineering: Power Electronics and Energy Systems | B, M, D | 14.1001 |
EERF | Electrical Engineering: RF & Microwave Engineering | B, M, D | 14.1001 |
EESC | Electrical Engineering: Signal Processing & Communications | B, M, D | 14.1001 |
EET | Electrical Engineering - Telecommunications | B, M, D | 14.1001 |
EGM | Mathematical Sciences - Engineering Mathematics | M | 27.0301 |
EMAC | Emerging Media and Communications | B, M | 09.0702 |
EMBA | Executive Master's in Business Administration | M | 52.0201 |
ENGS | Engineering Science | ||
ENGR | Engineering | ||
ENGY | Energy Management | M | 52.1399 |
ENMG | Energy Management | M | 52.1399 |
ENTP | Innovation and Entrepreneurship | M | 52.0701 |
ENVR | Environmental Sciences | area of study | |
EPCS | Engineering Projects in Community Service | ||
EPPS | Economic, Political and Policy Sciences | ||
FERM | Financial Engineering and Risk Management | M | 27.0305 |
FILM | Film Studies | minor | |
FIN | Finance | B | 52.0801 |
FREN | French | area of study | |
FTEC | Financial Technology and Analytics | M | 27.0305 |
GEOG | Geography | B | 45.0701 |
GEOS | Geosciences | B, M, D | 40.0601 |
GERM | German | area of study | |
GIS | Geospatial Information Sciences | B | 45.0702 |
GISC | Geospatial Information Sciences | B | 45.0702 |
GLBS | Global Business | B | 52.1101 |
GNDS | Gender Studies | B | 05.0299 |
GOVT | Government & Politics | B | 45.1001 |
GRS | Graduate Studies | 99.9999 | |
GRU | Graduate Studies - Special | 99.9999 | |
GSIS | Geospatial Information Sciences | M, D | 45.0702 |
GST | Gender Studies | B | 05.0299 |
HCLM | Healthcare Leadership and Management | M | 51.0701 |
HCMG | Healthcare Management | M | 51.0701 |
HCS | Behavioral and Brain Sciences | ||
HDCS | Human Development Communication Sciences | D | 51.0201 |
HDCD | Human Development Early Childhood Disorders | M | 42.0701 |
HDEC | Human Development Early Childhood Disorders | M | 42.0701 |
HIST | History | B, M | 54.0101 |
HLTH | Healthcare Studies | B | 51.0000 |
HMGT | Healthcare Management | M | 51.0701 |
HONS | Honors Course | ||
HRM | Human Resource Management | B | 52.1001 |
HS | Historical Studies | B | 54.0101 |
HST | Historical Studies | B | 54.0101 |
HUAS | Humanities - Aesthetic Studies | M, D | 24.0103 |
HUED | Humanities - Education | M | 24.0103 |
HUHI | Humanities - History of Ideas | M, D | 24.0103 |
HUMA | Humanities | M, D | 24.0103 |
HUSL | Humanities - Studies in Literature | M, D | 24.0103 |
IDEA | Humanities - History of Ideas | M, D | 24.0103 |
IMS | International Management Studies | M, D | 52.1101 |
INEN | Innovation and Entrepreneurship | M | 52.0701 |
INTS | Information Technology and Systems | B | 11.0103 |
IPEC | International Political Economy | B, M | 44.0504 |
IS | Interdisciplinary Studies | B, M | 30.9999 |
ISAE | Interdisciplinary Studies - Arts, Technology and Emerging Communication | B, M | 30.9999 |
ISAH | Interdisciplinary Studies - Arts and Humanities | B, M | 30.9999 |
ISEC | Interdisciplinary Studies - Engineering and Computer Science | B, M | 30.9999 |
ISGS | Interdisciplinary Studies - General Studies | B, M | 30.9999 |
ISHD | Interdisciplinary Studies - Human Development | B, M | 30.9999 |
ISIS | Interdisciplinary Studies | B, M | 30.9999 |
ISNS | Interdisciplinary Studies - Natural Sciences | B, M | 30.9999 |
ISSM | Interdisciplinary Studies - Management | B, M | 30.9999 |
ISSS | Interdisciplinary Studies - Social Sciences | B, M | 30.9999 |
ITSS | Information Technology Systems | ||
JAPN | Japanese | area of study | |
KORE | Korean | area of study | |
LANG | Languages (Foreign) | area of study | |
LATS | Latin American Studies | B, M | 05.0107 |
LIT | Literature | B | 16.0104 |
LITR | Literature | B, M, D | 16.0104 |
LOD | Leadership and Organizational Development | M | 52.0213 |
MAIS | Interdisciplinary Studies - Master | M | 30.9999 |
MAP | Mathematical Sciences - Applied Mathematics | B, M, D | 27.0301 |
MAS | Management and Administrative Sciences | M | 52.1301 |
MATH | Mathematics | B, M, D | 27.0101 |
MB | Molecular Biology | B | 26.0204 |
MBA | Master's in Business Administration | M | 52.0201 |
MBC | Cohort Master's in Business Administration | M | 52.0201 |
MBG | Global Master's in Business Administration - online program | M | 52.0201 |
MECH | Mechanical Engineering | B, M, D | 14.1901 |
MECO | Managerial Economics | area of study | |
MED | Mathematics Education | M | 13.1311 |
MEDM | Medical Management | M | 51.0701 |
MGIS | Geographic Information Systems | M | 45.0702 |
MIMS | Master's in International Management Studies - online program | M | 52.1101 |
MIS | Information Technology and Management | M | 11.0401 |
MITM | Information Technology and Management | M | 11.0401 |
MKT | Marketing Management | B | 52.1401 |
MPA | Masters of Public Affairs | M | 44.0401 |
MPP | Public Policy | M | 44.0501 |
MRKT | Marketing Management | M | 52.1399.01 |
MSAE | Applied Economics | M | 45.0602 |
MSC | Management Science | M, D | 52.1301 |
MSCE | Materials Science and Engineering | M, D | 14.1801 |
MSEN | Materials Science and Engineering | M, D | 14.1801 |
MSPM | Business Administration, Project Management - online program | M | 52.0201 |
MTHE | Mathematics Education | M | 13.1311 |
MUSI | Music | minor | |
NATS | Natural Science | ||
NSC | Neuroscience | B | 26.1501 |
OB | Organizational Behavior | area of study | |
OBHR | Organizational Behavior/Human Resources | area of study | |
OPRE | Operations Research | area of study | |
PA | Public Administration | B | 44.0401 |
PAFF | Public Affairs | B, M, D | 44.0401 |
PHIL | Philosophy | B | 38.0101 |
PHIN | Physical Instruction | ||
PHYS | Physics | B, M, D | 40.0801 |
POEC | Political Economy | D | 44.0501 |
PPOL | Public Policy | B | 44.0501 |
PPPE | Public Policy and Political Economy | D | 44.0501 |
PSCI | Political Science | B, M, D | 45.1001 |
PSCL | Political Science - Constitutional Law | M | 45.1001 |
PSLS | Political Science - Legislative Studies | M | 45.1001 |
PSY | Psychology | B | 42.0101 |
PSYC | Psychological Sciences | M, D | 42.2704 |
PSYS | Psychological Sciences | M, D | 42.2704 |
REAL | Real Estate | area of study | |
RELS | Religious Studies | area of study | |
RHET | Rhetoric | area of study | |
RMIS | Risk Management and Insurance | ||
SCE | Science Education | M | 30.0101 |
SCI | Science | ||
SCMT | Supply Chain Management | M | 52.1301 |
SDAR | Social Data Analytics and Research | M | 45.0102 |
SE | Software Engineering | B, M, D | 14.0903 |
SMED | Science Math Education | ||
SOC | Sociology | B | 45.1101 |
SOCS | Social Science | ||
SPAN | Spanish | area of study | |
SLHS | Speech, Language, and Hearing Science | B | 51.0204 |
SLHS | Speech, Language, and Hearing Science | D | 51.0201 |
SPAU | Speech Pathology and Audiology | B | 51.0204 |
STAT | Statistics | M, D | 27.0501 |
SYSE | Systems Engineering | ||
SYSM | Systems Engineering and Management | M | 14.2701.00 |
TE | Telecommunications Engineering | M, D | 14.1004 |
TED | Teacher Education | certificate | |
THEA | Theatre | area of study | |
UGS | Non-degree Seeking Undergraduate | 99.9999 | |
UND | Undeclared - Undergraduate | 24.9999 | |
UNIV | University Course | ||
UNK | Unknown | ||
VIET | Vietnamese | area of study | |
VPAS | Visual and Performing Arts | B, M, D | 50.0101 |
* B = Bachelor's, M = Master's, D = Doctoral, P = Professional
** Classification of Instructional Programs. The CIP is a taxonomic coding scheme that contains titles and descriptions of primarily post-secondary instructional programs. It is the accepted federal government statistical standard on instructional program classifications.
Additional Codes
Code | Definition |
D | Doctoral Student |
FR | Freshmen (completed less than 30 credit hours) |
JR | Junior (completed 54-89 credit hours) |
LD | Lower Division (freshman and sophomore) |
M | Master's Student |
PB | Post-Baccalaureate (has earned a bachelor's degree) |
PB-GR | Post-Baccalaureate taking graduate hours |
PB-UG | Post-Baccalaureate taking undergraduate hours |
SO | Sophomore (completed 30-53 credit hours) |
SR | Senior (completed 90 or more credit hours) |
UD | Upper Division (juniors and seniors) |