Assessment & Evaluation

Academic Assessment
OISDS provides expert support for planning and evaluating student learning and administrative unit outcomes.

Administrative Assessment
Academic program assessment involves clearly defining learning outcomes and using data on student learning to improve programs.

Core Assessment
The assessment of administrative and academic support units focuses on examining the quality and effectiveness of programs/units that provide services to students, faculty, and/or staff and/or perform university functions.

Course Evaluations
The Universal Evaluation System is UT Dallas’ tool for course and instructor evaluations and is maintained by the Web Applications & Technology Team in OISDS.

Curricular Analytics Project
Learn more about the Curricular Analytics Project which is a tool for understanding the relationship between curricular structures and student outcomes.

Comet Survey Collaborative
This interdepartmental group provides support for university administrators, faculty, and staff to effectively create and administer surveys for decision making, program planning, and continuous improvement efforts.