Administrative and Academic Support Unit Assessment

The assessment of administrative and academic support units focuses on examining the quality and effectiveness of programs/units that provide services to students, faculty, and/or staff and/or perform university functions. For academic support units, this also includes assessing student learning outcomes.

Please check out our Assessment Resources to learn more about assessment.


Every year, administrative and academic support units are asked to submit a report that describes assessment results from the previous year, ways in which assessment data were used (if any) and plans for program improvements. Assessment reports also include a description of a program’s outcomes (i.e., anticipated results), measures, and targets.

Units can submit their assessment report through Hyoka, or by emailing a copy of the completed report template to

  • Assessment Report template
  • Assessment Report Instructions
  • Suggestions for Completing the Assessment Report

For assistance with the assessment report and assessment planning, please contact


October 28, 2024, Assessment reports for the 2023-2024 academic (fiscal) year and assessment plans for the 2024-2025 academic (fiscal) year are due.