Degrees and Certificates Awarded - Fall 2016

Degrees and Certificates Awarded by School - Fall 2016

School Bachelors Certificates Masters Doctoral AUD TOTAL
Arts and Humanities 58 0 4 5 0 67
Arts, Technology, and Emerging Communication 102 0 20 1 0 123
Behavioral and Brain Sciences 190 0 60 8 0 258
Economic, Political and Policy Sciences 72 0 34 5 0 111
Engineering and Computer Science 147 0 293 22 0 462
Executive Programs in Management 0 0 48 0 0 48
Interdisciplinary Studies 84 0 3 0 0 87
Management 380 0 678 3 0 1,061
Natural Sciences and Mathematics 124 8 36 6 0 174
TOTAL 1,157 8 1,176 50 0 2,391

Degrees and Certificates Awarded by Ethnicity and Gender - Fall 2016

Ethnicity Bachelors Certificates Masters Doctoral AUD TOTAL
Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male
African American 38 33 0 1 20 15 0 0 0 0 58 49
American Indian or Alaskan Native 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 2
Asian American 137 146 0 2 38 37 2 2 0 0 177 187
Hispanic 123 104 0 2 21 20 2 1 0 0 146 127
International 11 18 0 0 299 445 7 21 0 0 317 484
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Two or more 25 25 0 0 12 20 0 0 0 0 37 45
Unknown 8 9 0 0 12 11 0 2 0 0 20 22
White 218 258 2 1 102 123 9 4 0 0 331 386
TOTAL 561 596 2 6 505 671 20 30 0 0 1,088 1,303