Enrollment - Spring 2018 - Headcount by School and Classification

School FR SO JR SR PB UG PB UG Certificate PB GR Certificate PB GR M D AUD Total
Arts and Humanities 24 44 162 158 4 0 0 4 63 160 0 619
Arts, Technology, & Emerging Communication 148 233 487 509 5 0 0 0 57 22 0 1,461
Behavioral & Brain Sciences 211 290 713 743 15 0 0 0 424 101 48 2,545
Economic, Political & Policy Sciences 80 103 298 302 4 0 8 23 243 146 0 1,207
Engineering & Computer Science 707 818 1,336 1,839 83 0 0 8 1,610 526 0 6,927
Executive Programs 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 8 423 0 0 456
Graduate Studies 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 62 0 0 0 62
Interdisciplinary Studies 98 131 308 396 19 0 0 30 11 0 0 993
Management 350 465 1,439 1,748 9 0 18 22 3,897 84 0 8,032
Natural Sciences & Mathematics 415 422 729 975 65 56 0 22 311 249 0 3,244
Undergraduate Studies 96 79 33 0 0 0 0 44 0 0 0 252
TOTAL 2,129 2,585 5,505 6,670 204 56 51 223 7,039 1,288 48 25,798