Naveen Jindal School of Management


Established: 1973
Dean: Dr. Hasan Pirkul

School Enrollment by Classification, Fall Semesters

Year Undergraduates Graduates TOTAL
2022 5,431 5,586 11,017
2021 5,125 4,183 9,308
2020 4,922 3,592 8,514
2019 4,647 4,321 8,968
2018 4,508 4,574 9,082
2017 4,245 4,742 8,987
2016 4,154 4,765 8,919
2015 3,709 4,277 7,986
2014 3,329 3,998 7,327
2013 3,019 3,847 6,866
2012 2,883 3,673 6,556
2011 2,877 3,313 6,190
2010 2,547 2,905 5,452
2009 2,427 2,566 4,993
2008 2,450 2,290 4,740

Semester Credit Hours by Classification, Fall Semesters

Year Lower Level Upper Level Master's Doctorates Special Professional Non-Funded All Div. TOTAL
2021 11,742 42,982 31,052 812 0 5,203 91,791
2020 12,464 43,845 23,851 760 9 6,559 87,488
2019 10,165 41,231 32,599 783 18 4,959 89,755
2018 9,357 39,740 35,225 758 0 5,207 90,287
2017 8,042 36,044 36,497 637 0 4,974 86,194
2016 7,494 33,090 37,563 687 0 3,832 82,666
2015 6,986 29,937 34,253 436 3 3,458 75,073
2014 5,939 27,711 31,256 380 0 3,372 68,658
2013 4,904 25,590 29,801 445 0 3,196 63,936
2012 4,860 23,871 28,005 551 0 2,550 59,837
2011 4,264 21,464 24,899 815 0 2,198 53,640
2010 3,883 18,913 21,346 393 0 2,114 46,649
2009 3,483 17,682 18,401 564 0 505 40,635
2008 3,351 18,057 14,933 643 0 567 37,551

Semester Credit Hours by Course Subject, Fall Semesters

(See Instructional Program Codes for details)

Year AIM
2021 11,049 456 7,563 2,586 1,700 7,933 252 2,424 9,091 2,367 3,673 0 8,407
2020 11,236 439 8,382 2,346 1,251 4,990 103 2,136 9,327 2,589 3,755 0 7,827
2019 11,928 1,313 4,235 2,268 1,681 6,811 147 2,142 9,424 2,338 3,329 0 7,744
2018 12,813 1,347 3,980 2,085 1,845 6,216 111 1,482 9,663 2,399 2,731 0 7,239
2017 14,254 898 3,782 1,848 2,153 4,591 135 1,332 8,872 2,080 2,437 0 5,768
2016 14,751 858 3,269 1,998 2,132 2,165 108 1,357 8,579 2,067 2,385 0 4,784
2015 14,461 760 2,755 1,614 2,283 384 75 1,515 8,886 1,417 2,633 0 3,969
2014 14,535 736 2,230 1,662 2,004 0 0 1,129 8,221 1,045 2,559 0 --
2013 14,803 564 1,629 1,410 1,809 0 0 903 7,683 952 2,878 0 --
2012 15,033 347 1,710 1,527 2,356 0 0 861 7,995 566 2,786 0 --
2011 13,778 20,643 0 0 789 0 0 268 4,131 614 947 0 --
2010 12,522 17,714 0 0 894 0 0 381 2,997 504 888 0 --
2009 11,031 16,703 0 0 852 0 0 225 2,253 342 596 0 --
2008 10,125 16,544 0 0 597 0 0 246 1,899 186 597 0 --

Continued from above table

2021 1,643 959 5,535 7,779 1,902 3,483 11,984 348 249 408
2020 762 687 4,895 7,595 2,254 4,230 11,841 300 195 348
2019 1,189 1,092 5,940 8,214 1,841 3,384 13,913 246 231 345
2018 1,263 1,398 6,686 7,521 1,622 3,282 15,788 171 204 441
2017 1,206 1,338 8,063 7,477 1,652 3,084 14,338 294 180 412
2016 522 1,277 9,023 7,845 1,834 3,327 13,415 240 129 651
2015 494 1,608 7,757 7,177 1,501 2,970 12,073 210 42 489
2014 473 1,707 9,794 6,746 1,390 2,742 10,839 231 0 615
2013 431 1,482 7,907 6,595 1,658 2,400 10,013 291 0 528
2012 782 1,782 6,150 5,293 1,475 1,995 8,705 105 0 369
2011 1,166 1,614 2,376 1,614 1,365 0 4,206 0 0 129
2010 1,124 1,578 1,996 1,335 1,356 0 3,321 0 0 39
2009 698 1,257 1,686 1,287 1,158 0 2,547 0 0 0
2008 526 1,209 1,573 1,161 893 0 1,995 0 0 0

Executive Education at the School of Management

The School of Management offers several degree and professional development programs designed to advance the knowledge, skills and careers of today’s business leaders.

  • Executive MBA: A campus-based 21 month program delivered on alternate weekends with curriculum centered on Managing for Change.
  • Global Leadership Executive MBA: A blended on-campus and online 29 month program with curriculum focused on international business.
  • Project Management: A curriculum concentration in project management with on-campus or online options. Degree options include a graduate certificate after completion of the first 21 credit hours, a Master of Science degree after completion of an additional 18 credit hours of business core courses, and a Master of Business Administration degree with a Project Management emphasis by waiving the MS degree option and the completion of an additional 14 credit hours.
  • Healthcare Management: A modular curriculum comprised of eight 4½ day residential classes plus a self-directed field study in alliance with University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas. Degree options include a professional certificate, a Master of Science degree in Medical Management and a Master of Business Administration degree with a Medical Management emphasis.
  • Product Life Cycle and Supply Chain Management: A graduate program that focuses on educating executives and industry sponsored employees in the disciplines of product lifecycle and supply chain management by combining theory and practice. This program emphasizes the need to understand, and the importance of, renewed focus on product lifecycle from design to disposal, and supply chain from end to end. Students earn a graduate certificate after completion of the first 15 credit hours, a Master of Science in Supply Chain Management after completion of an additional 23 credit hours of business core courses, and a Master of Business Administrations with a Product Lifecycle and Supply Chain Management concentration by waiving the MS degree and the completion of an additional 16 credit hours.
  • Executive and Professional Development: A selection of non-degree certificate programs, courses, seminars conferences and forums delivered on-campus, onsite, or online.